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A Fun Way To Mock Adult Politics

Why Are Kids Doing the Brexit Tackle?

A Fun Way to Mock Adult Politics

In the world of football, a Brexit tackle is a deliberate and forceful tackle that aims to take an opposing player out of the game. It's a technique that has been gaining popularity among young people, who are using it as a way to mock the toxic politics surrounding the UK's exit from the European Union (EU).

How the Brexit Tackle Works

The Brexit tackle is typically performed by a player who is running full-speed at an opponent. The player makes contact with the opponent's body with their shoulder or hip, and uses their momentum to drive the opponent to the ground. The tackle is often so forceful that the opponent is unable to continue playing.

Why Are Kids Doing the Brexit Tackle?

There are a number of reasons why kids are doing the Brexit tackle. First, it's a fun and energetic way to play football. Second, it's a way to express their frustration with the political situation in the UK. Third, it's a way to show solidarity with other young people who are also feeling frustrated with the Brexit process.

The Impact of the Brexit Tackle

The Brexit tackle has had a number of impacts on the world of football. First, it has led to an increase in injuries to opponents. Second, it has made the game more dangerous and less enjoyable to play. Third, it has created a divide between young people and adults, who often view the Brexit tackle as a sign of disrespect.

The Future of the Brexit Tackle

It is unclear what the future holds for the Brexit tackle. However, it is likely that the tackle will continue to be popular among young people as long as the Brexit process remains unresolved.


