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Background And Appointment

Jack Smith: Special Counsel Appointed in Trump Investigation

Background and Appointment

Jack Smith, an American attorney born on June 5, 1969, has served in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). On November 18, 2022, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland appointed Smith as Special Counsel by Order No. 3803-2022.

Ongoing Investigations

Smith's appointment stems from the ongoing criminal investigations into the retention of classified documents at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence. The investigations also include examining any potential obstruction of justice surrounding the matter.

Independent and Impartial

To ensure independence and impartiality, Smith will operate outside of the DOJ's chain of command. He has a proven track record as a prosecutor, having overseen investigations and prosecutions of complex crimes, including war crimes and public corruption.

Significance of Appointment

Smith's appointment as Special Counsel underscores the gravity of the investigations and the need for a thorough and independent review of potential criminal wrongdoing. The investigations will have a significant impact on the country's democratic institutions and could potentially shape the future of American politics.


The appointment of Jack Smith as Special Counsel sends a clear message that the DOJ is committed to upholding the rule of law and investigating potential criminal acts without fear or favor. The outcome of the investigations remains uncertain, but the public will be closely monitoring Smith's work and its potential implications for the country.
